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Wednesday, March 12, 2014


With everything that has recently happened in my life (like my best friend getting engaged!) I've been doing a lot of reflecting and soul searching. I thought back to my past and realized where I am no is no where near where I thought I would be at this time, but yet, its exactly how I imagined myself. 
With college graduation just around the corner, I thought we'd take a look back to this time 4 years ago. And where better to start than senior prom?
The whole fam-bam
nothing says awkward like 17
my adorable prom date and I.
At this point in my life, my expectations were minimum and I was just ready to leave suburbia. Enter high school graduation:

Fast forward through four years of college... here's one giant collage that sums up my entire college experience:
Check out these ladies HERE and HERE
I've gone through an insane amount of changes in the past four years, and I don't think its anything short of a complete blessing.
Changing isn't just about the amount of colors you've put in your hair, or the increasing number of wrinkles next to your eyes. For me, change has been about not only discovering who I am, but loving every piece of her. 
Four years ago, I was a soccer recruit with an environmental geosciences major. Today, I'm 70 some days away from graduation with a major in outdoor education. 
Sure, four years ago I thought by now I'd have a dog and a ring on my finger, and I have neither currently, but that doesn't stop me from living my life.

So thank you to the past, for teaching me everything I know, and cheers to the future, because we don't really know what is coming next, but I guarantee it'll be one hell of a ride. 

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  1. Congratulations on the graduation :-) How exciting <3.

  2. "Change has been about not only discovering who I am, but loving every piece of her."

    Boy do I love that! You hit the nail right on the head there girl! Love this!
